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Matt's arrival!



On Saturday I was expecting to pick Matt up, but after receiving an ominous message from Virgin in the morning, we realised his flight had been cancelled (due to mechanical failure), and re-booked in the afternoon, so he would miss his connection to King Island! Such a disappointment. June invited me up to the Golf Club for a drink for her birthday, but I said I felt too glum – and I was actually getting some work done. However, after another trip out to British Admiral Beach, I felt better, and joined her and Megan – I was glad I did.

Sunday morning I spent working at home, thinking I was picking Matt up at midday. I eventually got him just before 1, and we went for a drive over to Grassy Harbour Boatclub, and met a few of the gang. After a drive out to the harbour wall to view the powerful waves crashing in, we drove up the hill where I stopped to look at the muttonbird skeletons Janet had told me about, then in to Grassy to look over the old scheelite mine. Homeward bound, I gave Matt a bit of a local tour past Kelp Industries, the BoatHouse, Currie Harbour, then home, before taking him into town to shock him with the price of supplies. However, he managed to sniff out some bargain whiskey! We finished the day with a few drinks at the Golf Club, with June also joining us.

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