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  • studiosvenja

King Island Residency Announcement


Great news! I have been accepted for an artist residency on King Island during the month of December this year! A remote island in the Bass Strait with a population of around 1600, 120km off the coast of Tasmania, with 143 km of amazing coastline to explore, and the Roaring Forties to rip my face off whilst I wrestle with giant Bull Kelp - I can't imagine a better place to spend almost 5 weeks! I actually included this picture in my application, taken on my one and only trip to Tasmania with Matt in 2013, as I was sure it would convince them that I am crazy for kelp! Above is the picture from the King Island Council website which I have been looking at so often for the past week! This is the opportunity I have been searching for - a time of reflection, and immersion in spectacular nature, in order to begin work on a cohesive body of work for an exhibition. Although the last decade of my career has been focused on wearable art, I feel it is the right time now to channel my designs away from pieces designed for the body, and more towards sculptural works in their own right, as well as exploring low-relief wall works and installation pieces. I hope to utilise the vast array of techniques I have acquired using many different media towards exploring these other forms of expression. On the island itself, I aim to photograph, sketch, and formulate plans for the overall exhibition. Here's another shot from my 2013 trip - I was so impressed with the movement of the kelp, as well as the sheer size - very Triffid-like!! I've just booked the flights, even though I won't hear about my Grant Application to the Australia Council for travel and living expenses until September, because This. Is. Happening!!

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